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The report features Solutions Group’s global predictions for air in four categories, including average ticket prices (ATPs), economy class, online booking tools, and advanced booking usage. http://www.tourismthailand.org/landing/landing_en.htmlThe aim is to arm travel managers with key data and trends impacting the aviation market and the price of air travel in the near-term. The report, which comes out every two months, will allow travel managers to track on a regular basis the movement in these categories, not a year from now, but just two months ahead, bringing our data closer to when booking decisions are made.

For our first report, projecting out to November and December, we are forecasting a 1% dip in ATPs for each of these months, driven by the recent drop in the price of oil and in anticipation of traditionally slower holiday months for business travel.

You can view the rest of the air trends report here.

If you are interested in being notified when the next report comes out, please register here.