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At Adobe’s Summit Sneaks in Las Vegas in March, Adobe showcased technology that pairs speech recognition functionality with Microsoft Cognitive Services with text analysis AI. Intelligent Agent is the combination of a smart voice assistant and a smart text analyst – in James Bond terms, kind of like a cross between Moneypenny and Q!

This technology extracts intelligence from documents to help people make better, faster decisions while they’re on the go. Users can talk to their documents and quickly surface relevant information. This technology has implications for anyone who deals with long form documents, including contracts and academic papers.

Users can ask documents questions like “How does this pricing compare with the previous contract I had with this company?” The Intelligent Agent is able to mine multiple documents in Document Cloud and provide recommendations on which documents to compare.

The document is then processed through semantic analysis using deep learning – and the intelligent agent highlights the price difference between the contracts. This all happens inside Adobe Acrobat Reader which is on more than a billion desktops and mobile devices worldwide.

Sneaks may nor may not become actual products, but it gives Adobe engineers, researchers, product managers and UX designers an opportunity to submit proposals to present their work at Adobe Summit, showcasing the ingenuity of the Adobe community. Adobe believes that good ideas come from anywhere and everywhere.

To read more about Intelligent Agents and how Adobe and Microsoft are working together to make business processes more efficient for hundreds of millions of customers, please refer to the full blog post.