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It’s Easter this weekend … which tends to mean CHOCOLATE, and lots of it!

While takes just three seconds to consume a 200g Easter egg, it can take up to a three-hour run to counteract the sugar ingested – but Josh Gaudry, food scientist at Flannerys Organic and Wholefood Market, reveals there are plenty of ways to enjoy guilt-free chocolate.

Chocolate can be anti-inflammatory, thin the blood, lower blood pressure, can help stop a cough, reduce stroke risk and improve your mood – and if you’re wanting to go ultra-healthy, why not make your own Easter eggs from cacao this year?

“Cacao is the purest form of chocolate you can consume and it’s is high in antioxidants, which can protect us from aging and disease,” he says. “It’s rich in magnesium, which is an energy mineral/electrolyte, and sulphur, which is associated with healthy hair, nails, pancreas and liver.”

Made from unroasted cacao beans, the Flannerys Own range is sourced from South America and is extracted by cold pressing the cacao beans.

“By using this process of extraction, the cacao powder is produced in its ‘raw’ state, meaning the complete nutrients, minerals and health benefits remain in-tact and un-altered by heat cooking methods,” adds Josh.

Another delicious chocolate substitute is carob, which is caffeine-free, naturally contains less calories then chocolate and is packed with vitamins and minerals. It’s also free of theobromine found in chocolate, which is toxic to dogs, so is commonly used to make chocolate tasting treats for our paw pals.

As well as a whole range of Easter chocolates, Flannerys Organic & Wholefood Market supplies natural and organic bulk products at its stores, including sustainably sourced cacao nibs, dark chocolate, carob, nuts, seeds. It also sells delicious organic and gluten-free hot cross buns.