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Have you ever wondered why the Rich keep getting Richer?  Michael Yardney, best-selling author and Australia’s leading expert in the psychology of success says it’s because they’ve learned Rich Habits. And where do they learn these Rich Habits?http://www.itb-asia.com/press/media-services/accreditation/ In his international best-selling book Rich Habits Poor Habits Yardney and his co-author Tom Corley suggest  parents are responsible for poverty, the wealth gap and income inequality. Not the stock market, not the economy, not the 1%, not government policies, not your life’s circumstances – Parents!

TO INTERVIEW MICHAEL YARDNEY email max@marksonsparks.com or call 0412501601

 So how do you become a Super-Parent and help your child become successful in the future? In his book Yardney outlines some of the habits of Super-Parents uncovered from a 5 year study. These include:

  • Super-Parents make their kids read every day for self-education. Thirty minutes or more of self-education reading was the minimum.
  • Super-Parents review their kids homework. They become their child’s Accountability Partner.
  • Super-Parents limit the consumption of T.V., use of Internet and video game playtime to one hour or less every day.
  • Super-Parents make their kids exercise aerobically for 30 minutes, four days a week.
  • Super-Parents punish their kids for losing their temper.
  • Super-Parents punish their kids for saying inappropriate things
  • Super-Parents instil in their children individual responsibility for their life circumstances. Excuses or blaming others for life’s circumstances are not allowed.
  • Super-Parents teach their kids that they create their own good luck in life.
  • Super-Parents instil in their kids a positive mental outlook. They embrace the Australian Dream, positivity and embolden their kids with a sense that life has unlimited opportunity, irrespective of current circumstances. Consequently, their kids are positive, optimistic and enthusiastic about life.
  • Super-Parents teach their kids the importance of goal-setting, creating a vision for their life and pursing their dreams.
  • Super-Parents continuously expose their kids to different activities in order to help them uncover hidden talents and passions.

Super-Parents are loving, caring mentors to their children. They provide a foundation for success that gives their kids a head start in life.  Rich Habits Poor Habits by Tom Corley & Michael Yardney is available for $29.99 from Wilkinson Publishing

TO INTERVIEW MICHAEL YARDNEY email max@marksonsparks.com or call 0412501601


  • Dependence on Government and Other– They were taught to rely on government benefits and the handouts from others. This created a dependency mindset that stayed with them their entire adult lives.
  • Defiance of the Law– They were taught that because the cards were stacked against them, the police and law enforcement were their enemies and were intent to keep them down and out.
  • Resenting the Rich– They were taught to despise those who were successful because the rich were evil, greedy and responsible for poverty because they paid low wages.
  • Poor Work Ethic– They were taught, by example, to seek out free government benefits in order to help them survive. Dependency results in a poor work ethic. Why work if you can get what you need without working?
  • Entitlement Thinking– They instilled in their kids the belief that the poor were unfairly persecuted and taken advantage of by the rich. Therefore, they were entitled to the property of rich people. 87% of the poor believed rich people should be taxed more so that government would have more money to give back to poor people.
  • Gambling –They learned from their parents that gambling was one of the only ways out of poverty. As a result, 77% of the poor gambled on the lottery every week.
  • Drugs – They learned by watching their parents that drugs were their only escape from their hellish existence. 60% of the poor admitted to getting drunk frequently.
  • Over Eating –They picked up the bad eating habits of their parents. 66% of the poor were 14kg or more overweight.
  • Waste Time– They watched their parents spend hours in front of a TV and that habit became contagious. 77% admitted that they watched more than an hour of TV every night. 78% admitted to watching a lot of reality TV. This time wasting habit infected their own kids. The poor in my study said that their own kids spend many hours every day watching TV, playing video games or spending their time on social media, the Internet, etc.

The buck stops with parents. Children mimic the habits of their parents. Parents are the only shot most have at a mentor in life. When parents are poor mentors, their kids suffer and this often leads to poverty; a cycle of poverty that extends to multiple generations and causes discontent, dragging society down along with them.

TO INTERVIEW MICHAEL YARDNEY email max@marksonsparks.com or call 0412501601