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Today, Melbourne-based travel technology business Aeronology announced that the company has been accepted into ATPCO’s Bridge Labs Program, the place for early-stage startups, emerging companies, technology innovators and airline team players. ATPCO is the world’s leading provider of pricing and retailing content, tools, and services to airlines, global distribution systems, travel agencies and technology companies.

“Aeronology now has access to Bridge Labs APIs that allow us to connect and explore the most complete set of worldwide air travel content. Our success starts with the connection to ATPCO, the four global GDS’s (Sabre, Travelport, TravelSky and Amadeus), as well as being part of the end transactional environment via IATA,” Russell Carstensen, CEO of Aeronology explained. “Aeronology is now part of the Accelerator programs with ATPCO and IATA, and we are one of the very few global travel technology businesses that are. It’s an exclusive group,” Carstensen added.

“We now have a connection with ATPCO, the world’s primary source for airline retailing and pricing data, blending dependable data and systems with innovative technology. Being part of the Bridge Labs Program plugs Aeronology into the very best airfare distribution minds and applications in the world. We are extremely fortunate and proud to be part of this program. ATPCO’s Routehappy Rich Content and Next Generation Storefront (NGS)™ will also help our customers, travel agents, provide the comfort and reassurance to travellers when the borders open up again,” Mr Carstensen explained.

“Aeronology is a unique player in the travel technology space, driven by the desire to provide efficiencies that enable travel advisors to give their clientele unmatched support. They’re forward thinking, with a focus on API- and NDC-driven solutions, and clearly see that incorporating Next Generation Storefront (NGS)™ into their platform will improve the flight shopping experience by enabling their users to quickly find the airline product with the right value for the right price. It’s a win for both the travel advisor and traveler,” said Anne Kolodziej, Product Manager of NGS™ at ATPCO.

Carstensen added, “We know that travel agents will also be major supporters of ATPCO’s NGS™ and Ancillaries – travel agents are, and always will be, one group of experts best able to explain the value of additional services purchased within bundles. Helping the industry to increase revenue, to improve margins and ensure travel agents stay relevant is our aim.”