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National Plan for Vacation Day is January 28, and travel experts say now is the time to start thinking about 2020 travel plans.

More than half of American workers (55%) failed to use all their time off in 2018, according to the U.S. Travel Association. That’s a stockpile of 768 million unused vacation days, of which 236 million were forfeited completely, says the association. And a quarter of Arkansans don’t make use of all their vacation days, according to U.S. Travel data.

What’s the key to using more vacation time? Planning. But nearly half of American households don’t take this simple step, according to U.S. Travel — and they lose out on their time off and the benefits it brings.

Using vacation days to travel can improve the economy, create jobs and has a positive impact on health and overall well-being. In fact, if Americans used all their time off to travel, our economy could see a boost of $151.5 billion in travel spending and an additional 2 million U.S. jobs, says U.S. Travel.

“Arkansas Tourism is celebrating National Plan for Vacation Day to encourage Arkansans to take their well-deserved time off,” said Leah DiPietro, communications manager for Arkansas Tourism. “By committing to planning on January 28, Arkansans can all enjoy the many benefits of taking a break while giving themselves something to look forward to. Need trip ideas? Arkansas.com offers trip planning assistance, sample itineraries and other travel ideas.”

To help get your vacation days on the calendar, U.S. Travel has created a vacation planning tool. By simply entering the number of days off you earn, you can plot out trips or vacations for the year, export the information to your work or personal calendar, and share with friends, family and co-workers.

National Plan for Vacation Day takes place during the last Tuesday in January as a day to encourage Americans to plan their vacation days for the rest of the year.