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Cloud-based access control company Kisi has released their 2020 work-life balance city index, showing how major cities from the 2019 edition have since been impacted by the global pandemic. While every city in the index suffered economic, social and structural consequences, the results of this year’s edition show that having a safety net in place for workers made a large difference in how a city navigated the crisis.

Kisi first explored the topic in their 2019 study by determining the cities whose residents had the most well-rounded work-life balance, which was gauged by looking at work intensity, livability and the well-being and rights of inhabitants. The company did not design the study to be a city livability index, nor intended it to highlight the best cities to work in; but instead as an indicator of a city’s ability to provide a healthy work-life balance for its residents, while providing opportunities to relieve work-related stress.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, however, many employees have had to adjust to remote working due to lockdowns, while also trying to maintain balance between their work and life commitments. Considering that economic conditions have changed drastically in many cities since then, the company decided to go further in this year’s expanded edition by examining whether some cities were more impacted than others by the pandemic. The resulting index offers a look into the cities that have best managed to maintain and promote the structures needed for a healthy work-life ecosystem amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

This is an excerpt from the full press release. Since this document exceeds the limit allowed via email, please visit this link to view the PDF version of the entire press release: https://sweetspotpr.com/wp-content/uploads/Kisi/WLBR2/Bangkok.pdf. If you prefer to receive the file as an attachment, let me know and I can send it to you in response.