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Everyone has dietary weaknesses, which puts them in a difficult situation to decide whether they should eat or not. The most famous of them all is the sugar items, which have extreme effects on health. Sometimes, sugar can become very difficult to avoid, which leads to unhealthy intake. Women are mostly found craving sugary foods. It is all fine to keep a sweet tooth for sugary items, but it is also important to keep track of your intake. Excessive sugar results in type-2 diabetes because of the destruction of cells that make insulin.

Excessive sugar intake is associated with different health complications. The most notable ones include tooth decay, malnutrition, and an increase in cholesterol levels. However, there are still different ways to avoid excessive sugar intake. One of them is by replacing the sugar with other alternatives. This way you can still be able to munch your favorite dessert, which is made with artificial sweetener or honey. It is important to consult your doctor before considering any of the sugar alternatives. The actual reason for that is the doctors will explain which alternative will be suitable for your diet. With that said, let’s discuss 5 healthy alternatives for sugar.


If we talk about the healthy alternative for sugar, then the honey always ranks at the top of the lists. Honey is recommended by every health professional, because of its anti-bacterial and antioxidant capabilities. Apart from the sugary taste, the honey holds the properties of boosting the immune system for better performance of the organs. Consuming raw honey with salads can help in controlling blood pressure.

Honey produces different vitamins that are essential for the performance and growth of the body. On the other side, you can use honey for every kind of dessert and sweet food items. Speaking of the countless benefits, honey makes it easier to think about how to quit sugar and start learning honey cakes recipe.


Whenever people crave sugary products, they reach for high-fat items like ice-creams and chocolates. These items will fulfill your desire but the result will be on your health. However, you can still swap these sugary and high-fat items with highly citrus and vitamin fruits. The fruits are considered as the most valuable alternative for sugar. Fruits are naturally sweetened and do not disturb insulin production in the blood.

The citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits contain salts as the active ingredient. These salts not only fulfill the sugar craving but also provide health benefits. You can add different fruits like bananas, apples or pineapples to your salad or yogurt for a perfect treat.


Who doesn’t love chocolate right? Well, the dark chocolate comes with the non-sweetened taste with antioxidants. These ingredients have positive effects on losing weight and reduces the risks of developing cholesterol. The dark chocolate tastes bitter and has a chalky texture. The reason for that is it is made with more than 70% cocoa. Plus, it contains the compound polyphenols, which gives it the chalky texture.

Consuming dark chocolate can ease your craving for a dessert. Many experts say that dark chocolate has proven to improve the regulation of blood throughout the body. Moreover, you can find healthy food recipes with dark chocolate to keep up the health benefits on your side.

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If you still could not ease your desire for sugar, then you can opt for coconut sugar for your sweet tooth. With the wide variety of benefits from coconut oil, coconut sugar has also derived as the alternative for regular sugar. The coconut sugar tastes like brown sugar, but it is far more beneficial because of its ingredients. The coconut sugar includes zinc, iron, calcium, and antioxidants for a healthy addition to the diet.

Coconut sugar has quickly become the most rewarding alternative to sugar. It was even mentioned by the United Nations Food and Agriculture as the most natural and sustainable sweetener to date. Plus, the coconut sugar does not lead to the variation in the insulin values in the blood.


Speaking of the sugar alternatives, the date paste can never be an exception. Date paste is easy to create sugar alternative and replaces the sugar with its sweetening. You can easily create your date paste by blending the date in warm water. Some people also add ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract to boost its taste.


There are countless sugar alternatives, which can replace the sweetening taste of any dessert item. It is always valuable to add healthier options to the dietary list. In this case, these sugar substitutes can offer great defense from the unhealthy factors while satisfies with the desires. In the end, healthy nutrition is the key to a healthy lifestyle.