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Creatine consists of three amino acids: L-arginine, glycine, and methionine. Creatine assists your muscles in producing energy during high-intensity exercise. Creatine occurs naturally in your body, but its levels depend on your meat intake, exercise, muscle mass, and testosterone levels. Your muscles predominantly store creatine as phosphocreatine. Phosphocreatine then creates Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), which is your body’s energy fuel for intense workouts. Supplement creatine can help you if you work out and wish to increase your muscle mass and strength. Studies suggest that supplementing with creatine can speed up your muscle and strength gains. Continue reading to discover how creatine works to help build muscle.

  • Energy Production. ATP is the primary source of energy for your body cells. However, your body can only store enough ATP for about 10 seconds of high-intensity exercise. Once this period is over, you will need to produce more ATP to continue with the activity. Unfortunately, your body cannot produce this kind of ATP per second. As such, you may have probably realized that you can only sprint at full speed for a few seconds. Your body simply runs out of ATP. Supplementing with creatine increases phosphocreatine levels, which helps in producing new ATP during high-intensity activities.
  • Muscle Growth. Creatine works to help build muscles in two ways: direct and indirect. Directly, creatine increases the amount of water in your muscles. The water provides a suitable environment for muscle growth. More water improves nitrogen balance, which changes the expression of genes that influence hypertrophy and muscle protection. Indirectly, creatine allows you to lift heavy weights for long. This means that you can place your muscles under higher stimulus growth.

Photo by Li Sun from Pexels

  • Strength. ATP is the fuel source for your body during high-intensity exercise. Since creatine increases phosphocreatine levels, it also increases the production of ATP energy. Research shows that regular creatine supplementation allows you to lift 20% more across all rep ranges.
  • Power Output. Power output may not be vital for those who wish to lift weights or build muscles. However, it is critical for sports performance. Regular intake of creatine supplements can increase the power output for sprinters and other performance-based sports. This is because it provides additional fuel for rapid muscle contraction, which is crucial in most sporting activities.
  • How to take and Benefit from Creatine. Studies reveal that some people do not benefit from using creatine. Although it is the best exercise supplement, you can only benefit from creatine if you strictly follow a sensible nutrition and exercise plan. First, you must ensure that you buy your supplements from trusted sources such as Wilson Supplements. Second, take 3-5 grams of creatine every day at any time. If you want quicker results, you can take 20 grams a day for the first seven days. Third, mix creatine with protein and carbohydrates. Lastly, take creatine after working out.

Research shows that creatine supplements are safe to use. The supplement is also affordable and easy to take. The results will also differ from one person to another, but you will eventually reap its benefits.