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The Royal Paragon Hall, a world-class venue in the heart of Bangkok, continues to strategically develop itself as a Carbon Neutral Venue in order to reduce pollution caused by event organization and offering a sustainable venue option for organizers that are more environmentally consciousness.

Mr Talun Theng, Managing Director of the Royal Paragon Hall, said, “The Royal Paragon Hall has always emphasized sustainable development. Global warming is a highlighted concern this year and through the Carbon Footprint Assessment Plan (which measures the amount of greenhouse gas emissions from various activities, such as; electricity usage, the use of refrigerants in air conditioners, the use of paper, etc.),  management guidelines are made for reducing greenhouse gas emissions of the organization, as well as finding ways to offset for our emissions, by purchasing carbon credits so that various activities of the organization will equal zero. In this way, the Royal Paragon Hall has pioneered this eco-friendly mission and become the first Carbon Neutral Venue in Thailand.

In addition, the Royal Paragon Hall has joined the Care the Bear Program of the Stock Exchange of Thailand, as it organizes events in accordance with global warming guidelines. So far, it has reduced its carbon footprint by more than 20,000 Kg. Co2e., the equivalent to planting more than 3,000 large trees. The various processes that the Royal Paragon Hall uses under the concept of Low Carbon Footprint are, among others, encouraging patrons to travel by public transport, using recyclable decorative materials, reducing waste from events, reducing electric power usage by using LED lamps and, reducing paper and plastic usage. With these sustainable management methods, the Royal Paragon Hall has been certified as World Class ISO 20121: 2012 Event Sustainability Management System.

The Royal Paragon Hall, through its efficient, sustainable meeting management system has also received the Green Meeting Award from the Organization for Sustainable Development. Adding to this recognition, the Royal Paragon Hall has recently been awarded the Carbon Footprint for an Organization Certificate and the Carbon Neutral Certificate from the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization). “Our mission is to represent an organization’s responsibility to this planet which is currently experiencing a global warming crisis. We calculate which activities of the organization have the most greenhouse gas emissions, and then we are able to focus on planning and managing these issues in order to reduce them. For the small amount of greenhouse gas emissions, we still produce, we have bought carbon credits to offset our greenhouse gas emissions to equal zero. These measures help us do our part to help the planet and, as a business, they actually also help to reduce costs overall, as we have reduced the use of table covers and chairs, and even saved 41% in laundry costs in 2018 compared to 2017”, said Mr Talun Theng. The distinctive point of the Royal Paragon Hall is that it is a venue with world-class standards certified by ISO and TIS, thus building trust in customers. It also maintains security as a centerpiece of its focus, is environmentally sustainable and, is a venue that meets a wide range of target audiences through its advantageous location in the heart of Bangkok, which makes travel very convenient.