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Got a big backpacking adventure planned? Even if you’ve had to put your travels on hold, for now, it doesn’t mean you can’t continue to plan ahead. After all, the more you plan and learn about your upcoming travels, the more you’re likely to have an authentic travel experience – and enjoy yourself!

Travelling can take its toll on you both mentally and physically and with so much to consider and plan beforehand, it’s hardly surprising that many of us hit the road already stressed, tired and worried that we’ve forgotten something important.

So, with this mind, I’ve gathered some simple travel tips that you can use to take the stress out of planning your travel adventures.

Consider a borderless account

One big stress that you’ll have to contend with whilst you’re planning your trip, is your currency and your money. Having to juggle exchange rates, having your money transferred and finding the time to collect your travel money (usually in a rush before your flight) is hard work. A borderless account is a multi-currency account that allows you to have a bank account in Europe, New Zealand, UK, Australia and the USA – for a review of Transferwise’s borderless account, click the link. Taking the struggle of multi-currencies out of travelling.

Plan when you’re going to complete tasks

Know what date you want to fly out yet? Are you going to include stopovers? What about your accommodation? Are you staying in the same place for two weeks or heading elsewhere? Have you packed your bag yet? As travel is limited right now, some of these questions are difficult to answer. However, you can work on your itinerary, decide when you’re going to pack your bag and work out your travel options. It’ll make the whole experience much more relaxed.

Decide how you’ll spend your downtime

As mentioned above, travel will take its toll. So, deciding how you’ll spend your downtime is essential. From waiting hours in a busy airport for your connecting flight, or having a few days to spare at a new location. Consider your options, audiobooks, treatments at a local spa, even work out routines, writing blog posts etc. Having some calming activities set aside will do wonders for your energy levels and mental health.

Plan how you’re going to keep in touch

From letters to email, video calls to messenger services. There are plenty of ways you can keep in touch whilst you’re on the road. Just make sure where you’re going can accommodate your internet or even postal requirements!